Career Services

What makes JACCD DIA different?


JACCD iStart Program

The JACCD iSTART course is a required series of modules for all First semester (Certificate) students. This course is designed to facilitate the success of all JACCD students. Both faculty and staff teach the course for 1 hour a month for 2
semesters (Semesters 1 & 2).

JACCD Peer Advising Program

The PAP is designed to facilitate an on-going mentoring relationship among students who stand in as mentees and mentors to positively influence their peers to set life-long goals, choose life-long careers in fashion and other choices. Student mentees who sign-up for the PAP will be paired with student mentors who will guide them through academic challenges in college and future professional choices and decisions.



JACCD Design Institute Africa provides scholarships to diploma and degree students based on need, merit, or a combination of the two. This fund is up to 50% of tuition (assessed on a yearly basis,). To be considered for institutional scholarships, undergraduate students should complete the scholarship application by the stated deadline each year. For more information on other funding organization, please enquire at the registry office.

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