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Get a Certificate in Graphic Design.
Right here in JACCD.

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    1. SHS or higher  are eligible to apply
    2. JSS /JHS certificate holders
    3. Individuals with professional certificates

Applicants who satisfy the above requirements can gain direct admission into our Diploma. Admission Procedures for all Courses. To apply you would need to fully fill out our admission forms and submit them to JACCD. These can be picked up at the school or downloaded and printed or filled directly online. To complete the application the forms should be submitted with:

  1. 2 passport pictures
  2. Copies of required certificates/transcripts
  3. Essay

Mature students above the age of 25 will need to take an in-house examination. Any mature student interested in enrolling should contact the school directly. JACCD accepts certifications from  WASSCE, SSSCE and HND. All foreign certificates should be brought to the school. The school will then send these certificates for accreditation before determining the eligibility of the student for admission. This process will incur a fee.

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Courses offered within the Graphic Design:

  • Drawing
  • Design Fundamentals
  • Typographic composition and font
  • IT fundamentals
  • Print Media Design (Offset and Digital Printing)
  • Digital Photography
  • Cinematography
  • Animation
  • Web Design & Web Media
Students will learn various applications as part of the program, including but not limited to:


  • Adobe Photoshop
  • Adobe Illustrator
  • Adobe InDesign
  • Adobe Lightroom
  • Adobe Premiere Pro

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