Every Contribution Goes A Long Way…

JACCD DIA’s operating expenses are covered by tuition and fees. Your tax-deductible
donations help JACCD DIA innovate, initiate new programs, and provide scholarships to
students in need.
See our current funding objectives here. Thank you for being part of the JACCD DIA solution!

Funding Objectives

JACCD DIA is a catalyst for social, economic and cultural development in Africa.

For over 20 years, we have been training and educating entrepreneurs, leaders and change
makers across the continent, and they are together changing the lives of millions of people.
Here how you can join the cause.
1. Scholarships
Outstanding students, regardless of their financial situation, can benefit from a life-
changing JACCD education through JACCD DIA Scholarships.

2. Research
Research is an integral part of learning at JACCD DIA. Research by students and faculty
is guided by a desire to address society's most difficult problems and find sustainable
solutions across communities, industries, and the continent.
3. Entrepreneurship Support Program
This program provides structure, funding and guidance for student-led projects that
benefit women and the youth. The Entrepreneurial Support Program extends student
learning while addressing persistent challenges facing communities as a whole.
4. Faculty Capacity Building
The world of creative design is changing. The Faculty Capacity Building Fund supports
our staff in their professional development to ensure JACCD remains at the forefront of
innovation, creativity, and entrepreneurship.

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